Join the 100-Club!

What is the 100-Club?
How do I join?
Why do I join?
When can I join?
What if I can't join? (any reason at all)
Who's joined so far?


What is the 100-Club?


The 100-Club is a club for nerds who think they are intelligent. Or a club for intelligent people who think they are nerds. Or just a club. The criterion for joining is to know more than 99 digits of Pi (except 3.).


How do I join the 100-Club?


The only thing that you have to do if you want to join this very nice Club (not as nice as the 1000-Club,) is to be very honest with me and to yourself, and mail me the first 100 digits of Pi or more, (If you mail more than 999, then you're also automatically registered at the 1000-Club) which has to be written from your memory, NOT copied/pasted from a list, and NOT written by hand while reading a list. There might be some other alternatives, but I hope that you know what I'm saying. If you cheat, I can't do anything about it, so you'll be a member of the 100-Club. I hope you'll feel bad about it, too.


Why do I join the 100-Club?


Well, there are many people out there who knows 100 or more, but it doesn't really matter, does it? The more, the merrier. =) Besides, you might like the reciting so much that you'll be able to join the 1000-Club later. You also use your time a lot more effectively, what else do you think of when taking a shower, watching a boring TV-show or listen to what your girl/boyfriend day was like? I recite and smile. =)


When can I join the 100-Club?


Anytime! That's what's so good about it. Since all you have to do is mail me the digits you know ( 99), you can join the club 24 hours a day, 365 (or 366) days a year. I might not add you to the member's list at once, since I'm not here 24 hours a day, (close, though) but it won't take more than a few days 'til you're listed. I have to check the digits, too =) I also assume that I can use your name/e-mailaddress/URL.


What if I can't join the 100-Club?


What do you mean? Don't you know 100 digits or more? GET STARTED!!!!!!!!! If you still can't join, go find another club =) This one's for Pi-nerds only.