Zakaria Belhachmi

Professor. University of Haute Alsace.

Laboratoire De Mathématiques, Informatique et Applications  (LMIA),
Université de Haute Alsace,

Rue des Frères Lumière,
68096 Mulhous.

Phone  number:      03 89 33 64 23
Fax  :     03 89
33 66 53

    Recent publications


         Spectral Element Discretization of the Stokes Equations in Deformed Axisymmetric Geometries
         (With  A. Karageorghis).

          Adaptive Finite Elements for a Fictitious Domain Formulation of  Some Variational Inequalities (with F. Hecht) Preprint LMAM
        Control of the Effects of the Regularization on Variational Optic Flow Computations (with F. Hecht) To appear In Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision, Springer-Verlag.

        On a Decomposition Model for Optical Flow and Stereo-Vision Problems (with J. Abhau, O. Scherzer) In EMMCVPR '09: Proceedings of the 7th Conference on Energy                       Minimization Methods in  Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, volume 5681, pages 126-139, Berlin, Heidelberg, 2009. Springer-Verlag.

         How to Choose Interpolation Data in Images (with D. Bucur, B. Burgeth, J. Weickert).  SIAM J. Appl. Math.
         70 (2009), no. 1, 333--352.

          Locking-Free Finite Elements for some Unilateral Crack Problems in the Linearized Elasticity (with J.M. Sac-Épée, S. Tahir). Math. Model. Nat. Phen., Vol. 4 no. 1     ,(2009), 1-21.

Mortar Spectral Element Discretization of Nonhomogeneous and Anisotropic Laplace and Darcy Equations
(With C. Bernardi, A. Karageorghis). M2AN, 41, 4 (2007), 801-824.

 Stability and Uniqueness for the Crack Identification Problem. (With D. Bucur), Siam J. Control. Optim. 46, 1 (2007), 253-273)

Spectral mortar element discretization of the Poisson equation with mixed boundary conditions. (With A. Karageorghis). J. Scientific Computing, 30, 2 (2007), 275-299.

Finite Element Approximation of the Neumann Eigenvalue Problems in Domains with Multiple Cracks. (With D. Bucur, J.M. Sac-Epée). IMA J. Numer. Anal., 26, 4 (2006), 790-810.

Weighted Clément Operator and Application to the Finite Element Discretization of the Axisymmetric Stokes Problem.
(With C. Bernardi, S. Deparis).  Numer. Math., 105, 2 (2006), 217-247.

Identification and Reconstruction of a Small Leak Zone in a Pipe by a Spectral Element Method.
(With A. Karageorghis, K. Taous).  J. Scientific Computing, 27, 1-3 (2006), 111-122.

An Efficient Discretization of the Navier-Stokes Equations in an Axisymmetric Domain.
(With C. Bernardi, S. Deparis, F. Hecht).  J. Scientific Computing, 27, 1-3 (2006), 97-110.

A truncated Fourier/finite element discretization of  the Stokes equations in an axisymmetric domain. (With C. Bernardi, S. Deparis, F. Hecht). M3AS
162  (2006), 233263.

 Shape Optimization Problems for Eigenvalues of Elliptic Operators. (With D. Bucur, G.  Buttazzo, J.M. Sac-Épée). Z. Angew. Math. Mech. 863, (2006), 171–184.



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